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What Is My Chronotype?

    When do you usually go to bed?

    How many hours of sleep do you typically get on weekdays?

    How long does it take you to fall asleep after getting into bed?

    What time do you usually wake up in the morning?

    How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

    How do you feel in the late afternoon (around 3-5 pm)?

    How do you feel in the evening (around 6-9 pm)?

    How often do you take naps?

    How do you feel about morning workouts?

    How do you feel about staying up late?

    How do you handle early morning flights or appointments?

    How do you feel about daytime naps?

    How do you feel about waking up early on weekends or days off?

    How do you feel about evening social events or activities?

    How do you feel about early morning social events or activities?

    How do you feel about working late at night?

    How do you feel about early morning meetings or appointments?

    How do you feel about using an alarm clock to wake up in the morning?

    How do you feel about using blackout curtains or sleep masks?

    How do you feel about caffeine intake in the evening?

    How do you feel about bedtime routines?

    How do you feel about using electronic devices before bedtime?

    How do you feel about napping during the day?

    How do you feel about exercising in the evening?

    How do you feel about staying up late to complete tasks or work?

    How do you feel about taking naps during the day?

    How do you feel about socializing late into the night?

    How do you feel about winding down before bedtime?

    How do you feel about staying awake during the night?

    How do you feel about waking up early in the morning?

    What Is My Chronotype?
    You are likely a Bear chronotype! Bears are known for having a regular sleep-wake schedule, typically sleeping during the night and waking up in the morning. They usually feel most alert and productive during the daytime.
    You are likely a Wolf chronotype! Wolves are known for being night owls, preferring to stay awake late into the night and sleep in during the mornings. They tend to have higher energy levels in the evening and feel most productive during the nighttime.
    You are likely a Lion chronotype! Lions are known for being early risers, preferring to wake up early in the morning and being most alert and productive during the daytime. They usually have a regular sleep-wake schedule and feel sleepy earlier in the evening.
    You are likely a Dolphin chronotype! Dolphins are known for having irregular sleep patterns, often experiencing difficulty in falling asleep and waking up during the night. They tend to be light sleepers and may have varying energy levels throughout the day.

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