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Pooh Pathology Test

    What's your favorite thing to do in your free time?

    What's your favorite food?

    What's your favorite hobby?

    What's your favorite type of weather?

    What's your favorite color?

    What's your idea of a perfect day?

    How do you handle stress?

    What's your favorite type of music?

    What's your idea of a perfect vacation?

    How do you handle conflict?

    What's your favorite animal?

    What's your favorite type of movie?

    How do you like to start your day?

    What's your idea of a perfect evening?

    What's your favorite type of book?

    What's your favorite holiday?

    What's your favorite type of dessert?

    What's your favorite type of exercise?

    What's your favorite type of cuisine?

    What's your favorite type of TV show?

    What's your favorite season?

    What's your favorite type of drink?

    What's your favorite type of clothing?

    What's your favorite type of art?

    What's your favorite way to unwind after a long day?

    What's your idea of a perfect home?

    What's your favorite type of flower?

    What's your favorite type of scent?

    What's your idea of a perfect gift?

    Which of these would be your catchphrase?

    Pooh Pathology Test
    Pooh Bear
    You're Pooh Bear (ADD). You know what it's like to start one task and then get distracted by a butterfly, a song on the radio, or a random thought that pops into your head. You're like a squirrel on a sugar rush. You are kind, loyal, and love spending time with your friends and family.
    You're Rabbit (OCD). You're obsessed with symmetry, cleanliness, and order. You alphabetize your spice rack, color-coordinate your closet, and can't stand it when someone touches your perfectly arranged pens. You're like a human version of Marie Kondo. You are organized, practical, and always have a plan.
    You're Piglet (Anxiety). Sweaty palms, racing thoughts, and the constant feeling that something terrible is about to happen is all too familiar for you. You're always on high alert, like a meerkat in a field full of predators. You are sweet, gentle, and enjoy the simple things in life.
    Tigger (ADHD)
    Tigger (ADHD). You know you have ADHD when you can't sit still for five minutes, you're easily distracted by shiny objects, and you've got a to-do list that's longer than Santa's naughty list. You are adventurous, energetic, and always up for trying something new.

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