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Eating Disorder Test

    How often do you think about food?

    Do you feel guilty after eating?

    Have you ever skipped a meal intentionally?

    How do you feel about your body?

    Do you often feel like you've eaten too much, even when you haven't?

    Have you ever purged (vomited) after eating?

    Do you avoid eating certain foods or food groups?

    Do you weigh yourself often?

    Do you find yourself comparing your body to others?

    Have you ever had a panic attack about food or your weight?

    How often do you exercise?

    Do you avoid social situations that involve food?

    Do you often feel like you need to "make up" for what you've eaten?

    Have you ever used laxatives or diuretics to lose weight?

    Do you find yourself obsessively reading about nutrition and diets?

    Have you ever hidden food or lied about what you've eaten?

    Do you feel like you've lost control when it comes to food?

    Have you ever fainted or felt lightheaded due to not eating enough?

    Do you often feel cold or have low energy?

    Do you feel like your weight defines you?

    Have you ever had a doctor express concern about your weight or eating habits?

    Do you feel like you need to be perfect in all aspects of your life?

    Have you ever restricted your food intake for a prolonged period of time?

    Do you find yourself thinking about food when you're not hungry?

    Do you have a preoccupation with calorie counting?

    Have you ever binged on food?

    Do you feel like your eating habits are out of control?

    Do you ever worry about how you look before you go out?

    Do you find yourself inspecting every part of your body in front of the mirror?

    Have you ever tried to hide your eating habits from loved ones?

    Eating Disorder Test
    No Eating Disorder
    Congratulations! You don't exhibit any signs of an eating disorder. Keep up your healthy eating habits and continue to nourish your body with balanced meals. Best product for Eating Disorders: Click Here For The Best Product [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS]
    Mild Eating Disorder
    While you may not have a full-blown eating disorder, it's important to be mindful of your eating habits and make sure that they're not negatively impacting your physical or mental health. Consider talking to a therapist or nutritionist if you're concerned about your relationship with food. Best product for Eating Disorders: Click Here For The Best Product [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS]
    Moderate Eating Disorder
    It's possible that you may be struggling with an eating disorder. It's important to seek professional help as soon as possible to ensure that you can begin the road to recovery. Consider reaching out to a therapist or healthcare provider for support. Best product for Eating Disorders: Click Here For The Best Product [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS]
    Severe Eating Disorder
    Based on your answers, it's likely that you have a severe eating disorder. It's important to seek professional help as soon as possible to ensure that you can begin the road to recovery. Consider reaching out to a therapist or healthcare provider for support. Remember that recovery is possible, and you don't have to go through this alone. Best product for Eating Disorders: Click Here For The Best Product [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS]

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