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Dr. Doe’s Chemistry Quiz

    What is the chemical symbol for gold?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the smallest unit of matter?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the atomic number of carbon?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the formula for water?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the process by which a solid changes directly into a gas?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which of the following is a metal?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the chemical symbol for sodium?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the basic unit of all living organisms?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the process by which plants convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose and oxygen?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the chemical symbol for helium?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which of the following is a noble gas?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which of the following is NOT an acid?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the chemical formula for table salt?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which of the following is a non-metal?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the chemical formula for methane?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which of the following is a halogen?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the chemical symbol for iron?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which of the following is a basic solution?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the process by which a gas changes into a liquid?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the chemical symbol for silver?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which of the following is NOT a state of matter?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the basic building block of all matter?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the process by which a liquid changes into a gas?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which of the following is a metalloid?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the chemical symbol for copper?

    Correct! Wrong!

    Which of the following is a common household acid?

    Correct! Wrong!

    What is the pH value of pure water at room temperature?

    Correct! Wrong!

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