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Does He Like Me?

    How do they behave when you're trying to get their attention?

    How do they respond when you make a joke?

    How often do they initiate conversations with you?

    How do they behave when they're around you?

    How often do they touch you (e.g., hug, pat on the back)?

    What kind of emojis do they use when they text you?

    How do they respond when you share something personal with them?

    How often do they like or comment on your social media posts?

    How do they act when they're with their friends and you're around?

    How do they respond when you compliment them?

    How do they act when you're in a group setting together?

    How do they respond when you suggest hanging out?

    How often do they initiate physical contact (e.g., touching your hand, leaning in close)?

    How do they react when you're around someone of the opposite gender?

    How do they talk about their future plans with you?

    How do they act when you're talking to someone else and they're nearby?

    How often do they remember little details about you (e.g., your favorite food, movie, etc.)?

    How do they act when you're dressed up or looking particularly nice?

    How do they behave when you're around their friends or family?

    How do they respond when you're feeling down or upset?

    How do they act when you're talking passionately about something you're interested in?

    How do they respond when you text or message them?

    How do they behave when they're around you and their friends?

    How do they react when you're being playful or teasing them?

    How do they act when they see you unexpectedly in public?

    How do they behave when you're talking about your achievements or successes?

    How do they react when you're being silly or goofy?

    How do they act when you're talking about your hobbies or interests?

    How do they respond when you compliment them?

    How do they behave when you're trying to get their attention?

    Does He Like Me?
    Your crush likes you a lot!
    Congratulations! Your crush seems to have a strong interest in you and enjoys spending time with you. They make an effort to connect with you on multiple levels, and you should feel confident in exploring a potential romantic relationship with them.
    Your crush may have some interest in you.
    Your crush seems to enjoy your company and may have some romantic interest in you, but it's not entirely clear how they feel. They may see you as a friend or be hesitant to express their true feelings. Keep getting to know them and see where things go!
    Your crush may not be very interested in you.
    It's possible that your crush is not interested in you in a romantic way. Their behavior towards you seems indifferent or disinterested, and it may be best to focus on building a friendship rather than pursuing a romantic relationship.
    Your crush does not seem to like you in a romantic way.
    Unfortunately, it seems that your crush does not have romantic feelings for you. Their behavior towards you indicates a lack of interest, and it may be best to move on and find someone who reciprocates your feelings. Remember, there are plenty of other fish in the sea!

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